วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Endian Firewall Community 3.0

Open Source, Free, Community-Supported Security Solution

          Endian Firewall Community (EFW) is a "turn-key" linux security distribution that turns every system into a full featured security appliance with Unified Threat Management (UTM) functionality. The software has been designed with "usability in mind" and is very easy to install, use and manage, without losing its flexibility.
          The feature suite includes stateful packet inspection firewall, application-level proxies for various protocols (HTTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP) with antivirus support, virus and spam-filtering for email traffic (POP and SMTP), content filtering of Web traffic and a "hassle free" VPN solution (based on both OpenVPN and IPsec). The freshly released Endian Firewall Community 3.0 BETA 2 also features support for most modern UMTS/3G USB dongles, new configurable widgets for the dashboard, additional gateway options and several performance improvements.

- Network Security
- Web security
- Mail security
- Virtual Private Neworking
- Multi-WAN with Failover
- Routing
- Network Address Translation (NAT)
- Logging and Reporting
- Connectivity – Support for most modern UMTS/3G USB dongles
- System – Performance improvements
- Contentfilter – Configurable update intervals
- Dashboard – Customizable through configurable widgets
- Logging – Trusted timestamping
- Routing – Additional gateway options

Examples of use
          In this, the author has created a network for the trial Roํ below which the IP Address provided by the ISP Public IP 8 IP number is Using for the Endian Firewall: 1 IP is (IP ends with 193 assigned to the Ethernet router) and a map ip to another Server 3 IP, which means that the 3-Server is. use fake IP, but the map is real IP will require the creation of Alias, the Endian Firewall, which means that there must be Kai configuration real IP with Endian Firewall Number 4 IP is its own IP 1 IP and 3 as the Alias. pointing to the Server in the DMZ.

Defining IP Address to the Endian Firewall. 
          1.At this stage of the installation will have to set the IP Address of one to Interface, in which the author has set the IP is to Green out, so try to see if the Interface which is pin Green and connect. Client with one to go through a forest setting Broswer.

          2.When we go to the Browser with the URL to the IP of the legs is Endian Firewall Green the Redirect to SSL port 10443, which is the Endian Firewall.

          3.Defining IP Address, then click Network Configuration.

          There are also many other things that can be done, but Endian Firewall as suggested guidelines would be evolved to bring your applications to some extent. And key issues The authors have not mentioned brewed DDNS or VPN, etc. Users will need to have an understanding of the principle of the matter fairly. Otherwise would Hae can not be allocated to Endian Firewall tool to use.

You can download Endian Firewall Community 3.0 at this Link.

Thank You.
See you next time.

วันพุธที่ 11 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557


          Currently used as the system software for the corporate Intranet or Internet Server is available with several options including a Windows Server (Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008-2012), Linux Server (RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian. , Slackware, SuSE, Mandriva, OpenNA, IPCop, Linux-SIS), BSD Server (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD), Solaris (Sun Solaris, OpenSolaris), etc. to select the operating system you are doing server applications in the enterprise. Mobile Admin is a problem for the older lot of trial and error I have tested enough. After all, in the past I installed Linux and configured to use the system, it is considered good enough. Also after the installation is completed, it can be activated normally. Rarely are hacked phone, but if a new current Admin trial and error is still difficult then. Currently, there are hackers all over the country people. France was able to learn how to hack Google for Web Admin server to attempt a new system sometimes gets drilled successfully.


          CentOS (Community ENTerprise Operating System) is a Linux distribution developed from an original RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) by the CentOS has taken the source code of the original RedHat to compile new development has focused on developing an Open Source software constitutes copyright. GNU General Public License CentOS Linux currently being used in the Web Hosting widely due to the underlying operating system of RedHat with high rigidity. (Currently focused on developing commercial) installation package is available for both sub RPM, TAR, APT or YUM command to update software automatically. Can be downloaded from  http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/6/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso

          The main reason organizations choose to use CentOS.

          Suited for businesses to put this into a Linux system. Servers use internal By Paul summarized the main reasons for adopting this system works as follows.

          1. The budget of the organization, because CentOS is an open source software. Organizations are not required to pay for the software license. (Administrators only have to invest to learn the system before use. Current can be learned easily via a web page Google.com).

          2.To bring a server tasks in the organization within which CentOS is sub package used for server for use in many organizations such as the Web Server (Apache), FTP Server (ProFTPd / VSFTPd), Mail. Server (Sendmail / Postfix / Dovecot), Database Server (MySQL / PostgreSQL), File and Printer Server (Samba), Proxy Server (Squid), DNS Server (BIND), DHCP Server (DHCPd), Antivirus Server (ClamAV), Streaming. Server, RADIUS Server (FreeRADIUS), Control Panel (ISPConfig).

          3.For the DHCP Server to the client organization. Log Files storage system and set a user.

CentOS images brought into use for the organization.

          To install separate Linux with Windows.

          To install this feature, one hard disk before installing the operating system separately. Between a Linux system on a Windows system by installing Windows on the primary drive (C: \) and install a Linux system on a secondary drive. Drive bay for installing Linux must be at least two partitions for the Linux Native and Linux Swap to store data for a portion of the partition. In dividing partitions using Fdisk can be pre-installed Windows. Or use Partition Magic split after installing Windows. Installers can choose how to divide the hard disk space that is used to store system. What percentage of Windows and Linux systems store a few percent.

Dividing partitions split between Windows and Linux. 
The hard disk by 50:50 (Windows = 50%, Linux = 50%).

Thank You.
See you next time.

Why to Use a Server.


           The question of why to use Server is FAQs. The organization has a relatively low budget. Or even some large enterprises I feel that buying Server than necessary. But I never felt the same, because the PC is running a 24 bit compressed air it traveled. There are many hair replacement if I keep talking like that. I must say that the real There are many organizations that make PC Server and then change every 1 year, it said it may be more economical than purchasing Server 1, but the question is. Do that Applications, it would be no more because PC was made available just 1 CPU only, or they call 1way or the system is not very serious. Because you still have a question in mind that if this crash Harddisk Server crash or crash it. What to Expect The damage caused to much. If not, it is still a PC, but if there is more damage you take the risk then deposited with PC Price thousand baht. Or deposited with different parts of a few thousand only.

          Personally, as a small company SME Server is used to provide customer service. It starts from the trappings But when I started to buy them out using a Brand Name have felt the difference in equipment and systems at prices that are very different, but still a small Server only. But for a good 2-3 years Server started having problems began to realize that. It's really a lot of damage I need to start thinking about investing more Server side today was made available to the Server Blade Server, high quality and well-written as it is told to do alone.

Then where is the difference between the PC and Server.

          1.Alert : I must say that the PC is not and Server components are not as well pour Technology Server is advanced far enough to Server Some can tell you know in advance, even if the device is going to be a piece of what I lost. Imagine that if you put it all to the eighth row Memory Memory loss occurs, what we need to do is. Row by row, removable Then execute that which is broken. Terminal Server technology, but some brands can press a button to light up the board to say that the line is broken or if Harddisk Memory speeds are at the Speed ​​will alert the machine that is going to waste. What you will not find it on the PC or even the Server component.

          2.Mainboard : Mainboard actually an important part in driving the performance of the computer. Main name told me that asked the same size. The different architectural Board Server is designed to run 24 hours, but the PC is not that the Slot are also different Server mainly Onboard the card and too often without Sound Card either because the. Server application is running led to share file I rarely hear people use very often use multimedia workstation than Server.
            For the differences in price. I always buy extras Mainboard PC is located at 1500-3000 but if Server prices often start at 10,000 baht for Server Mainboard This is the Brand name composed it, but now it's cheaper to assemble.

          3.Power Supply : Power Supply is a key part. Redevelopment of the power supply system. For this, it is the same for Server is designed to be activated 24 hours, I've bought it and it was not five thousand baht. This was a really But we can see that it is the Power Supply PC 150 baht for me see it differently. I've had some experience using a PC Power Supply burns affect the system. It was melted down to make a harddisk crash data, crash mainboard finish this job, so you have to think what is very important that the data are purged.
            Another indispensable for Server, there are many models with Reduntdant Power Supply that is, it has a Power Supply 2 in a single block Power Supply broke a Hot swap with it is raining, luckily we pulled out now. Without shutdown Then plug it in without having to shut down as well, so that there would be no Downtime.

          4.CPU : CPU is different, of course, but it has a CPU that is different is that family CPU Pentium works on Server's PC is not different, but for the Server itself is high in a little, it will have XEON Processor is a Server for Server. I have 2 or 4-8-16-I Mainboard can see that if you run hard. There's no way to take a single CPU Pentium running. Some professionals use the Server Software House was built just over a million. I even asked a million It works just as well multi-million sum is the amount that the CPU is not over. Application that runs hard and can support as well.

          5.Memory : Some people may be booed, it differs with him on our Server will use Memory called ECC Memory to a Memory Protection System, data transmission errors, and Memory for a certain brand is Chipkll is like a Mirror Memory. ever, if you have a Memory 4 rows down to one row if a PC to run the Memory, it still hangs, but the Server does not break it, it also runs on. Without interruption.

          6.Hard Drive : or Harddisk so, why do they wait for the PC, we still recognize the IDE, then you now have a Serial ATA (SATA) instead of IDE, but for the Server, it can use SCSI, which is Harddisk best at. now, there are only new technology called SAS (AZ) sounds sad, but it is only of SCSI technology that makes it run faster again.

          7.RAID Controller : RAID, many people may be unfamiliar sounds. Some of them are familiar to PC without RAID is not used much, but it certainly makes the RAID Server, it is very important. If talking about the data We continue to be extremely important. Therefore I have poured RAID technology to help prevent breakdowns, which makes the Harddisk Harddisk at a time when children are ready to replace the one destroyed. I do not have to keep busy Restore data recovery including RAID can also cause performance to run faster Harddisk with it as well so it makes many organizations use RAID to protect their sensitive information. I'll write about how each RAID to RAID how different it is from the RAID 0,1,5,0 +1,10 goodies RAID.

Thank You.
See you next time.

Blade server


This article is written with personal comments. May be different from many individuals. But through proven.

          In this article, let's talk about just 2 Brand not because I was the Brand leading the market, it was the number 1 and 2 of this world in the Blade is the one of the main Marketing, people often do not recognize the number 2 or number 3, but to remember. I only number 1, but with the 2 brand, it is like having a huge fan of his I see it differently, however.
 HP BladeSystem

          HP Blade is a cabinet that Enclosures by name an official BladeSystem then HP BladeSystem it originated in 2001 under the name PC-Blade made ​​to Hosting active because one machine, enter up to 20 units in size. small Let's see you do better than the pros and cons of Blade HP then what.

Advantages / Strengths

         1. Module with Power Supply for Rack : actually the same one used on the Rack Power Supply is the ProLiant DL380, ML350, Blade C3000 makes it easy to find the device.

          2.Option to have put a lot : Compared to HP, in his Cabinet Enclosures can then be put into a Module Storage while IBM does or he does not look good. And also put Module Tape Back down to it. This is reinforced in a Blade Option loadable flexibility.

          3.Is later : I must say is newer because HP is a replacement enclosure Enclosures own the series progresses, which is based on technology latest technology makes it safe to HP, it has an LED that Status is. Flexible Option to put on any Storage / Tape to a large Series C7000.

          4.Power Supply looks better : to say that this is because HP claims that he was awarded the Energy Star is able to build up, the losses are less, it is to the power plug into the Power Supply.

          5.FAN Standby : System of Fan and Power Supply for HP it is not in the Standby Mode Standby runs, but runs a bit, but instead of using a ball or two that are not in use. Energy efficient, not quite.

          6.FAN Turbo JET : HP holds strengths that. He used to work like a fan is like a second fan located on a single to another to be stuck inside on a direction opposite to the main rotation. Strong winds make it work even better. It also strengthens the point. Then fan is very small But the force that works quite well. Move along unless it's entered only after a bit strange.

IBM BladeCenter

          IBM Blade Server or cabinet as Chassis using the official name of the BladeCenter holds scheduled early in 2001 with the name BladeCenter E today, it still has BladeCenter E can be used on the current machine with me, let's see. pros and cons to each

Advantages / Strengths

          1.Blade Server available on any container, even old cabinet : This was featured at IBM holds throughout because it is the only brand that makes Blade Server Blade newer or older Compatible with BladeCenter enclosure older generation put together at all. Since the first series The last series The architecture of IBM is considered a good idea. So not a lot wrong with the Upgrade brands that change every three years, enabling customers to purchase a Blade can not buy a full tank. When replacing or adding to future versions do not.

          2.Possesses the Server Blade : Blade Server is a variety of IBM. Since the 1CPU 2CPU or 4CPU WorkStation Server includes the latest Cell Server up again for higher-level processing, there Virtualization Power System for Unix machines made ​​by that really complete the series all Rack instead.

           3.Power Consumtion : The KVM Module Server able to work less, so that power consumption is reduced. This will help a lot if the power goes out, the machine requires a UPS backup that I would want to work over the next Server performance, but consume more power. To reduce the duration of backup power with you.

          4.FULL Redundantcy : IBM is the one that talks about everything from Redundant Mid-plain the point between your Server with 2 points on the back panel - bottom, but other brands. Connected to just a single point. Some brands even have two points, but it does not exclude the Redundant work perfectly. Or even fans IBM is a fan made Redundantcy but competitors are positioning the fan based on the position of the machine to the slot for that, so if there is a Fail will be used to reposition the fan to the rear of the connector Slot use it. it is not Redundant.

          5.Extravagant FAN : A fan called in the terminology of IBM or IBM's Blower itself a great big heart, which ever is Full reduntdant because the placement of the cabinets are already covered. I work as the heat of the machine, usually 22-23 degrees the fan will work just 55%, but if you have some equipment to work harder and Fan Fail virtual Alert them know. Help came to see me who I Fail 5555 because it weighed so much more than IT to ignore it, just accept that it's not. Not to brag, but that the force Because it conveys it.

          6.Each equipped Chassis Share it : Here is another thing that many people like to highlight. Including me The devices on Module IBM and Share aside from Blade Server version of the old, put in new cabinets or Blade Server models fit in old cabinet or the cabinet we use for us to M / A Add Power. Supply new to it then take out the Full Redundantcy old may be the size of the new 1300Watt 2000Watt put out it was the whole cabinet. Do not change any device or SAN Module / Switch Module is used to switch back and forth, but there are some Module at each specific series. It will be different on a High-end, as 10Gbp Infiniband it requires H so that E, S is not supported or Module certain to make dispenser with Storage within it must be used with S, but it must be said that the device over. Share 70-80% quite common to have a bad performance.

Thank You.
See you next time.